Brewed for taste - Beer labels around the world
As one of the world's oldest alcoholicbeverages, beer has a wide appeal with itsrefreshingly unique taste. Beer is about morethan just brewing and...
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As one of the world's oldest alcoholicbeverages, beer has a wide appeal with itsrefreshingly unique taste. Beer is about morethan just brewing and drinking. It has bred aculture that shapes a kind of lifestyle and alsonourishes the design industry. Illustrated withimages and infographics, this book aims totrace the relation between beer culture anddesign, touching on the history of beer and itsvisual art. Meanwhile, it features a selectionof vintage and contemporary beer labels fromaround the world, showcasing diverse ideasand styles.
Autor@: VV.AA.
ISBN: 978-988-792-836-2
Idioma: Inglés
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