Brutalist Japan
Emerging in the devastating aftermath of World War II, Brutalistarchitecture in Japan is characterized by its geometric shapes,functionality, and...
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Emerging in the devastating aftermath of World War II, Brutalistarchitecture in Japan is characterized by its geometric shapes,functionality, and unconventional use of concrete whichis often left unfinished to showcase the material's inherenttextures and imperfections. Japanese Brutalism representeda radical departure from traditional Japanese architecture,drawing inspiration from the global Brutalist movement butincorporating unique elements that reflect Japan's culture andhistory. A leading expert on Japanese Brutalism, Paul Tulett hastraveled throughout the country to photograph extraordinaryexamples of this aesthetic. In over 200 dynamic and impeccablephotographs he captures the elements and paradoxesinherent in the buildings themselves: the rawness of concretejuxtaposed with elegant design; a harmonious integrationinto urban landscapes; and a global, modernist approach thatmaintains traditional Japanese elements. Highlighting the workof architects such as Kenzo Tange, Tadao Ando, and KazuoShinohara, this unique volume shows how a blend of globalinfluences and Japanese sensibilities has left an indelible markon the architectural landscape of Japan, making JapaneseBrutalism an intensely captivating and enduring style.
Autor@: Tullet, Barrie
ISBN: 978-3-7913-9310-0
Idioma: Inglés
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