Rosta Windows - Okna Rosta - Vladimir V. Mayakovski
The State Museum of V Mayakovsky in Moscow dedicated to the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The museum was founded 80 years ago and is located in a...
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The State Museum of V Mayakovsky in Moscow dedicated to the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The museum was founded 80 years ago and is located in a house where he lived from 1919 - 1930 an d where his life tragically ended after he commited suicide . The museum has a large collection of agitational Sov iet posters from Mayakovsky's time working for the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA) , titled R OSTA Windows or Windows of ROSTA . It is a specific form of mass agitational art that arose in Soviet Russia during the period of revolution and civil war. Satirical posters were made in a sharp and accessible artis tic manner in the style of popular art and in the tra dition of Russian iconography. Figures we re accompanie d by laconic texts in verse and devoted to actual events. Kazemir Malevich and Vladimir Mayakovsky developed and used an alphabet of thi s agitational art. Nowadays these posters are seen as great works of avant - garde art. The museum has more than three hundred authentic posters in its collection, created by Vladimir Mayakovsky as an artist and as author of the texts.The book will comprise approximately 200 posters from the collect ion. The subjects of these posters are very different; from the realities of the revolutionary and military years to the economic and domestic issues of the young Soviet state. The author of this magn i ficent book is the Russian expert Vera Terekhina, Doctor of Philology, chief research fellow of the Gorky Institute of World Literature, a specialist in Russian literature of the 20th century and the literary and artistic avant - garde. In addition to the illustrations, the album will include articles fo reach section, annotations with the illustrations, and indexes.The book will coi ncide with a big exhibition from the Mayakovsky family, located in the huge exhibition space, Manège, in the centre of Moscow. At this exhibition, starting on the 19th July 2018, on what would have been Mayakovsky's 125th birthday, there will a large section dedicated to his posters. Many other events will take place during 2018 in celebration of Mayakovsky.
Autor@: Maiakovski, Vladimír Terekhina, Vera
ISBN: 978-90-533-0914-8
Idioma: Inglés
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