Playful Patterns
From earliest development we are hardwired to recognize patterns.Ostensibly a survival mechanism, this skill has beentaken over by aesthetic...
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From earliest development we are hardwired to recognize patterns.Ostensibly a survival mechanism, this skill has beentaken over by aesthetic considerations in recent generations,leading to an explosion of graphic imagery. Patterns cover thewalls we live in, the streets we walk on, and the products weconsume. Sometimes translating our instinctual memories, othertimes our playful yearnings, the combinations of color, shapeand form are endless. With the capacity to comfort or provoke,use of pattern or motif in design is a formidable weapon in thehands of a skilled designer. Play / Pattern presents some of the best pattern design of recent years,used to promote brands and products on bags, clothing, posters, packaging, books and more.
Autor@: VV.AA.
ISBN: 978-988-19-6109-9
Idioma: Inglés
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