Whet my appetite - Catering and graphic design
For many of us, eating out is one of the supreme pleasures in life. The experience exposes us to the talentsof a legion of chefs and entrepreneurs...
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For many of us, eating out is one of the supreme pleasures in life. The experience exposes us to the talentsof a legion of chefs and entrepreneurs who find fulfillment in creating subtle and original experiences forour palates. This consideration does not stop at taste, but extends to the other senses as well, providingnew combinations of form, color and texture that can comfort or tantalize. This can also be true of thedesign of restaurants. Through the skillful actions of designers, a brand's aims can be met as the overallexperience is enhanced. For the eateries profiled here, every decision is deliberate and a part of thewhole brief - from interior graphics and signage, to menu, packaging and utensil design. Whet My Appetitepresents the crème de la crème of recent design for restaurants that are pushing the boundaries of taste
Autor@: VV.AA.
ISBN: 978-1-58423-520-0
Idioma: Castellano
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