Chinese pictograms - the pictogrpahic evolution and graphic creation of Hanzi
Recent years have witnessed a Chinese char-acter design boom, with influential activitiespopping up one after another across Asia.Institutions such...
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Recent years have witnessed a Chinese char-acter design boom, with influential activitiespopping up one after another across Asia.Institutions such as The Central Academy ofFine Arts, Just Fonts, 3type, Mojijuku havelaunched courses for Chinese character de-sign. Meanwhile, various exhibitions, lectures,seminars, and competitions, online or offline,are popular with young designers. The innova-tive use of Chinese characters as main visualelements in design, such as brand identity,logos, books, and posters, enjoys growingtrend globally. On the other hand, the culturaluniqueness of Chinese characters demandsa sound understanding of its history fromdesigners.This book breaks the boundary betweenculture, art, and design by means of integrat-ing the historical and cultural knowledge ofChinese characters with graphic designs. Itoffers a concise introduction of the inventionand development of Chinese characters; teas-es out the glyphic characteristics and rules forcreating different calligraphic styles; visualizesthe glyphic evolution of 132 commonly usedcharacters; and analyzes a selection of over60 outstanding type designs of renowned de-signers. It will enable designers to maximizethe expression value of Chinese characters invisuals!
Autor@: VV.AA.
ISBN: 978-988-792-849-2
Idioma: Inglés
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