Typography now
After Layout Now and Color Now, SendPointscontinues to craft a new practical guidebookto the design cosmos. This time, it is abouttype, which we...
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After Layout Now and Color Now, SendPointscontinues to craft a new practical guidebookto the design cosmos. This time, it is abouttype, which we use for reading every day.Typography Now will guide its readers to un-derstand, create, and use Latin, Chinese andJapanese typefaces in the increasingly interre-lated world. Apart from illustrating fundamen-tal principles and techniques, analyzing classictypefaces and showcasing popular ones, italso features some best examples of typo-graphic applications today, helping readers tograsp the essence of type in the present.
Autor@: VV.AA.
ISBN: 978-988-792-839-3
Idioma: Inglés
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