1000 marks by Pentagram
The 1,000 marks featured in this book represent thediverse range of identity work created by Pentagrampartners past and present. Since its...
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The 1,000 marks featured in this book represent thediverse range of identity work created by Pentagrampartners past and present. Since its inception over fiftyyears ago, Pentagram has designed marks for everyonefrom multinational corporations to start-ups, governmentagencies, nonprofits and social enterprises, clubs,societies, individuals, districts and even whole countries.Regardless of your identity, an original mark that you cantake ownership of is the starting point for communicatingwho you are and what you do.There are many approaches to creating a distinctivelogo, and all of them can be seen here, from boldtypographic wordmarks to pictorial symbols and moreabstract solutions. Printing them in black and white helpsus see them in their purest form, highlighting the contrastsand occasional similarities between them.The practice of design has changed radically since1972, but its concerns remain the same. The deceptivelysimple exercise of designing a mark for a client, and theelusive quest for timelessness that it entails, are stillcentral to the challenge that graphic designers face today.
Autor@: Pentagram
ISBN: 978-0-500-29803-9
Idioma: Castellano
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