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Men of style

Men of Style explores the best-dressed men of recentcenturies: from actors to statesmen, playboys topainters, the iconic and the more unexpected....
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Men of Style explores the best-dressed men of recentcenturies: from actors to statesmen, playboys topainters, the iconic and the more unexpected. Thebook comprises profiles of their colourful lives,sartorial, and personal, explaining too how theyhave shaped menswear today.The core focus of the book is not only the storyof men's style, but the men who embody it and actas its most inspiring exemplars. A useful book forstudents of fashion history, followers of celebrity andstylish men alike.Josh Sims is a freelance style writer, contributing to the likes ofThe Financial Times, Esquire, GQ, Wallpaper* and i-D. He is alsothe author of Cult Streetwear, Icons of Men's Style, 100 Ideas thatChanged Street Style and A Dictionary of Fashion Designers.

Autor@: Sims, Josh

ISBN: 978-1-78067-864-1

Idioma: Inglés

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