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Story of the diamond, The

Beau?fully illustrated with historical images, famous jewellery and fashion photography, themys?que and glamour of the world's most brilliant...
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Beau?fully illustrated with historical images, famous jewellery and fashion photography, themys?que and glamour of the world's most brilliant natural treasure is told in a story that mergeshistory with gemology, collec?ng with couture.An elegant gi? for a woman for an engagement, wedding or anniversary; for a birthday ormother's day; or as a collec?ble lifestyle purchase.A concise history of diamond, legendary gems, the styles (cuts, facets, carats) and the brands,but also detailed prac?cal informa?on on choosing and buying.Beau?fully illustrated with historical images, famous jewellery and fashion photography.87% of people prefer a diamond engagement ring, with the round-cut solitaire in white goldthe most popular. US Researchers also found that spending 8,000 or more on a ring wasassociated with a decreased risk of divorce.1.8 million engagement rings are sold annually in the USA, with 97% of them diamonds.The global diamond market size was valued at US 89 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to 124 billion by 2030.

Autor@: Sturtz-Philby, Tamara

Idioma: Inglés

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Duración: 3hs
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos

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Hora: 17hs (2:30hs)
Duración: 2:30hs
Nivel: No se necesitan conocimientos previos.

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