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August Sander - People of the XXth Century

A landmark in the history of modern art, People of the 20th Century presentsthe fullest expression of the German photographer August Sander's...
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A landmark in the history of modern art, People of the 20th Century presentsthe fullest expression of the German photographer August Sander's lifelongwork: a monumental endeavor to amass an archive of twentieth-centuryhumanity through a cross section of German culture.Sander photographed subjects from all walks of life, capturing bankers and boxers,soldiers and circus performers, farmers and families, to create a catalog of the Germanpeople, arranged by their profession, gender, and social status. First imagined in the1920s, he pursued the project for more than fifty years during a politically charged andrapidly changing time, fraught by two world wars and the devastating repercussions ofNazism. Sander never finished the seven-volume, forty-nine portfolio magnum opus,continually refining and shaping it to convey an understanding of the world in which helived. The photographs, remarkable for their unflinching realism and deft analysis ofcharacter, provide a powerful social mi...

Autor@: Sander, August

ISBN: 978-1-59711-541-4

Idioma: Inglés

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Aprende Bordado con Foto transfer

Profesor/a: Yumi Hoops @yumi_hoops
Fecha: Sábado, 1 de febrero 2025
Hora: 16hs (3 1/2hs)
Duración: 3 1/2
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos de bordado.

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Aprende Bordado Anime con Texturas

Profesor/a: Yumi Hoops @yumi_hoops
Fecha: Sábado, 1 de febrero 2025
Hora: 10:30hs (3 1/2hs)
Duración: 3 1/2hs
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos de bordado.

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Aprende a hacer tu “Ex Libris “ o tu sello personal grabado en Linóleo

Profesor/a: Rosario Moller @rosamollerd
Fecha: Sábado, 22 de febrero 2025
Hora: 11hs - 14hs
Duración: 3hs
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos

Taller de Bola Temari Japonesa


Taller de Bola Temari Japonesa

Profesor/a: Mika @temarin_japan
Fecha: Sábado, 22 de febrero 2025
Hora: 17hs (2:30hs)
Duración: 2:30hs
Nivel: No se necesitan conocimientos previos.

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