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Lucky Peach Issue 11 - All you can eat

"Lucky Peach" is a quarterly journal of food and writing. Each issue focuses on a single theme, and explores that theme through essays, art,...
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"Lucky Peach" is a quarterly journal of food and writing. Each issue focuses on a single theme, and explores that theme through essays, art, photography, and recipes. Issue 11 is our ALL YOU CAN EAT issue. We eat and eat and eat some more: at a country club in Boca Raton, at a series of wedding feasts in the Republic of Georgia, in the parking lot outside of the Iron Bowl. We attempt to beat the buffet, see how people stuff themselves at sex parties, hang out with Yu Bo, the best Chinese chef you've never heard of ("All Yu Can Eat"), and learn about ruminant digestion ("All Ewe Can Eat"). Gabrielle Hamilton demonstrates the many ways to enjoy the celery languishing in our crispers; novelist Padgett Powell shoots (then stews) the ubiquitous squirrel. Plus, we take stock of what hunger looks like around the world and of what's for dinner at a prison in Westville, Indiana. Too much? That's the point.

Autor@: VV.AA.

ISBN: X-00076313

Idioma: Inglés

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Taller de bordado creativo


Taller de bordado creativo

Profesor/a: Aitor Saraiba @aitorsaraiba
Fecha: Sábado, 29 de marzo 2025
Hora: 16:30hs
Duración: 3hs
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos.

Repara tu ropa con las...


Repara tu ropa con las técnicas de Boro y Sashiko

Profesor/a: Aitor Saraiba @aitorsaraiba
Fecha: Domingo, 30 de marzo 2025
Hora: 11hs - 14hs
Duración: 3hs
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos

Aprende a hacer tu  “Ex...


Aprende a hacer tu “Ex Libris “ o tu sello personal grabado en Linóleo

Profesor/a: Rosario Moller @rosamollerd
Fecha: Viernes, 4 de abril 2025
Hora: 17hs - 20hs
Duración: 3hs
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos

Aprende a bordar con Foto...


Aprende a bordar con Foto transfer

Profesor/a: Yumi Hoops @yumi_hoops
Fecha: Sábado, 5 de abril 2025
Hora: 15:30hs (3 1/2hs)
Duración: 3 1/2
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos de bordado.

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Aprende Bordado Anime con Texturas

Profesor/a: Yumi Hoops @yumi_hoops
Fecha: Sábado, 5 de abril 2025
Hora: 10:30hs (3 hs)
Duración: 3 hs
Nivel: No son necesarios conocimientos previos de bordado.

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