How to build easy creations with Lego bricks
New models enhance and complete the expandededition of this highly successful, easy-to-use manualthat explains how to construct fantastic...
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New models enhance and complete the expandededition of this highly successful, easy-to-use manualthat explains how to construct fantastic creationsusing Lego bricks. The book provides basicinformation and many useful suggestions, in additionto numerous hints for embellishing and personalisingthe models using one's own imagination. After anin-depth historical introduction on the birth anddevelopment of the famous bricks', various chaptersare devoted to specific topics, from cars to boats andplanes to cities, even writing' with LEGO pieces. Theprincipal building techniques are illustrated and revealall the tricks for creating one's own models. Byconsulting the various sections, even the most expertLEGO fans will be inspired into bringing newvariations to life. A practical glossary illustrates thebasic technical jargon and analyses the most commonkinds of bricks, explaining in detail what they look likeand what they are called, as well as helping readers torecognise them and purchase individual loose pieces.
Autor@: Frangioja, Francesco
ISBN: 978-2-88935-815-1
Idioma: Inglés
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