Space race - Build Your Own Robots and Spaceships
This book brings together the best LEGO models thathave competed in the mythical J.U.P.I.T.E.R. race (JumboUniversal Pilot Intergalactic Thrilling...
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This book brings together the best LEGO models thathave competed in the mythical J.U.P.I.T.E.R. race (JumboUniversal Pilot Intergalactic Thrilling Extreme Race).Each chapter is devoted to a specific category: racingspace shuttles, robots, and all-terrain wheeled vehicles.Take up the challenge and discover many new modelsof varying levels of difficulty. You'll have a great timelearning different techniques for building them: you'llfind a detailed description and helpful illustrations foreach model, but, most importantly, clear instructionsand a list of the pieces needed. You'll also learn thehistory of the LEGOLAND Space line of models anddiscover many hints and secrets of the true MasterBuilders'. By following the author's excellent advice,you'll be able to invent your own original models. Apractical glossary with the basic terminology of LEGO jargon, particularly useful for beginners, presents themain categories of LEGO bricks with their names andfunctions, in addition to ways of identifying them andpurchasing missing pieces.
Autor@: Frangioja, Francesco
ISBN: 978-2-88935-816-8
Idioma: Inglés
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